FEATURELESS GHOST and NAO KATAFUCHI Live in the WIERD Tonite with DJs Miz Margo and Hi-Fi Hillary
November 7, 2012
This week's WIERD is dedicated to stay-at-home boyfriends everywhere.
Ok the VR World is back on our heels and ready to take another triumphantly tragic fall down the stairs into your bitchily bland FTW minds once again after that sad fukin mess of a week, what a drag man. Come on out and party tonight there's supposedly another massive storm comin right around 10pm so hopefully that big Shady MILF in the sky gets IT right this time and destroys the WIERD once and for all, and we'll all be Very Rare together at last, good VRiddance.
This week WIERD presents a solidly classic evening of spastically anxious maximal electronic discomfort as we welcome FEATURELESS GHOST from frozen Hotlanta and the great Mr. NAO KATAFUCHI from Tokyo via Trenton via medium rare Hamburg with a thide of flies or wherever the hell our beloved ever-mysterious in-house genius is really from, that all depends on what you mean by 'from' I suppose, MR. FG's excellent new LP Personality Matrix is out today on Iowa City's always great Night People label and Nao's long-awaited debut album Yumegoto came out last week as well so there's gonna be a lot of crazy new sounds flyin around in the foggy-fresh midnight vortex. Apart from the much needed rather kinky 4th wall brain freeze that accords both viewer and performer live in the abstracted present together when he takes our latenight stage each year to be there Nao, yes the VRumours are true MRk is indeed the eminently charismatic and chillingly stoic official voice of the Japanese audiotour for MoMA's permanent collection - I challenge any of you to out-VR that one. I DL'd a cracked version of IT off mediafire and walk around the city listening everyday lately and still don't understand a thing I'm looking at, the big IT wins again surprise surprise. Though I highly recommend track 52 by late Cezanne on the third floor live on the Mt. St. Victoire tour, good stuff doesn't get any more analogue than that as you feel the pleasures of the wild black earth come alive beneath your feet mmm hmm. Check out the below links a lot of great zeros and ones to grab and enjoy kiddies. See you all this evening hopefully IT will be your last, time to die in our merry lair, who cares. Very Rare.
Everyone is invited to the opening of my new show this friday from 6-8:30pm at Miguel Abreu Gallery on the LES, please come! The show will be up through Dec. 22nd.
Miz Margo and Hi-Fi Hillary Spin the WIERD!
Wed. Nov. 7th, 10pm-4am
(Very Rare Live Performances by Featureless Ghost and Nao Katafuchi at Midnight!)
WIERD @ Home Sweet Home
131 Christie St. at Delancey, NYC