LA MISMA and BLACK BOOT Live in the WIERD with DJs Ian Perdition and Frankie Teardrop
January 16, 2013
This week WIERD's infamously inexcusable, irVRegular fĂȘte of post-abstractionary nihilism Up the Punx Ass VReturns tonight as we welcome LA MISMA and BLACK BOOT for a wildly pustulating mess of a double bill at midnight! The four lovely young ladies of the explosively intriguing Mismatic world will rip your twitchily quivering face off with their sadistically sassy Portugese vox and blisteringly shredded guitars, and Black Boot are a bunch of grimy little studs from a few other g-beat bands you've seen a million times that sound exactly the same with a shittier name to boot, horray who cares Very Rare! The word from the gutter is Punk's not dead but you definitely are, so roll yr little fleshly garbage can of a (body) on down to the WIERD World tonight and prop IT up to spreadem for the corpse, and once and for all take IT like the man you never were gurl mmm hmm...VR.
Ian Perdition and Frankie Teardrop Spin the WIERD World!
Wed. Jan. 16th, 10pm-4am
(Very Rare Live Performances by La Misma and Black Boot at Midnight!)
WIERD @ Home Sweet Home
131 Chrystie St. at Delancey, NYC