WIERD Presents a Live Performance by Nate Young with DJs Miz Margo and Frankie Teardrop
February 6, 2013
We've had so many bands in our filthy little bouquet of black heaven the past blahzillion years I'm starting to feel maybe it's actually more VR not to have gotten VR than ITs opposite, which doesn't exist anyway, as ever, so...who's left out there?...anyone? Considering that it seems safe to assume we all agree there simply is no out of anywhere anymore, there's only one answer - so as a certain apocryphal prophet of arcane abstraction once said, tonight shall be dedicated to Those Who Do Not. And there are indeed a few shady slabs of infamous flesh with targets in their minds who have not, and evaded IT all for too long, as yet to be kidnapped by the Home Sweet WIERD to provide another unforgettable evening of pleasure for you all. Remember we will find you, and we found one of the remaining you's a few weeks ago...mmm hmm.
Tonight I'm excited to welcome the return of a great old friend I've been beVRating non-stop the last few years to get up on the our ever-precarious latenight stage solo to let IT rip, as WIERD presents a live performance by NATE YOUNG at midnight! This will be Nate's first appearance in the WIERD World since Wolf Eyes played that crazy show we put on back in 2008 with Absolute Body Control, Martial Canterel, and Carlos Giffoni at MHOW. Few figures have as much gravitas as the man who put the 'i' in Wolf(caps lock or not FTW) and honestly imagining the last decade of midwestern musical history without him is impossible at this point. Our beloved leathery lurker was so kind as to finally knock out the grueling 12 hour blaze through the frozen bleak swamp of February's night from Detroit early this morning to party inside the lovely Ms. Chrystie 131 at last, and he will be joined by Mr. Chris Durham(Roachclip/All Gone/ex-YOU) on synth to play trax off his new LP Between Worlds out now on Black Moss Recs.
Thank you to everyone who offered your condolences on the impending end of the WIERD this past weekend...four more parties to go. See you all in a few hours as we do IT all again. The first 50 people in the door get stabbed in the face for free so get there early. VR.
Miz Margo and Frankie Teardrop Spin the WIERD World!
Wed. Feb. 6th, 10pm-4am
(Very Rare Live Performances by Nate Young at Midnight!)
WIERD @ Home Sweet Home
131 Chrystie St. at Delancey, NYC