Hey there big boy hows it goin? This is 'the body' of your email speaking I'm so glad we're finally alone...do you think I'm sexy? I know I don't really have a body but then again who does these days? LOL! Hey whateves, whadaya gonna do???
Right. So, as you all know this was an excellent week for sexual relationships in the world. Out of radical frustration a woman in Taiwan just became the first person to legally marry herself, and simultaneously arguably the greatest quarter back in NFL history successfully married for 13 years texted images his VRivates to a playboy model who quite appropriately busted him online, game over, the end. (...5 minutes pass as the Wierdos swiftly open the new google window...click...ew its cold outside yikes...slam...back to the cubicular bunker) Both of these situations I would argue are perfect minimally synthetic analogues for the contemporary 'sexual relationship' in a time when the fertile, fleshly, vaporous lands of the physical body are more radically unstable than ever - the sandy beaches, the rocky mountains, the arid fields of your pixellated limbs ughh...help(panic)...I gotta keepem all together hmm maybe if I marry myself I can Tai all my little Wan bodily members together and keepem roped up intact nice 'n tight. Meanwhile the master of these same hysterical thexxxy thunday fields the uber-fierth Viking is desperately POV-ing his own little landing strip and sexting IT to the inbox of a play-boy who he met while he was playing with the Jets, amazing it doesn't get any more fantastically homerotic, gettin hot in here yes! But wait who's the dude here, is there one...is the Jet still up in the sky...wheres it gonna land you already 'sent' it? The best part of it all is of course she(the 'play boy'..VR) gets my favorite contemporary thing of all - free 'cash back' from the press(in this case much more than a quarter) crushingly pressing him into nothing him for his taboo communique...just picture it: "would you like cash back with that sir?"..."No thank you love, but heres a pic of my dick"...click..." yeah...that feel good baby?"..."Ugh no, sorry I can't feel it can you please resend high res for print"...(ugh God white men what a fucking bore, literally)... "...then again, yes I will take that quarter back you silly little rich purple man ha...without the quarterback though please I'm strictly de-caf/html only these days...oooh that feels nice much better!"...ka-ching! VR.
That being said(because I just said IT 5/8" above) it is eminently appropriate Susan Sidlauskas in her energetically imaginative new book 'Cezanne's Other' develops the notion of a 'counter muse' in an effort to discursively penetrate the infinitely perplexing series of 30 remote, distant, icily inexpressive paintings the old horse of modernism made of his reluctantly devoted wife Hortense Fiquet. Where the tiringly banal 19th and 20th century 'muse' inspires, the counter-muse deflects, frustrates, hinders congellation of the creative mind, but still inspires creative production in a very reverse manher, not just of the artist but apparently also of the historian's attempt to subsume these works into the master's oeuvre - how could the nervous system of the greatest painter of the sensitized unWan fields of the world ever be so entirely paralyzed when depicting the one closest to his body? It just doesn't make sense...Yet in 2010 it does more than ever. The new elusively wicked 'counter muse' so perfect for the dematerialized wierd 21st century has no need to have ever had a body, as lovely 'other' - as IT can always also be understood metaphorically as simply an 'inspiration-trigger'(broken or funtioning) incarnate already and existing within the body itself - all Tai'd up and sexted together, protected with tons of hot and broadly shouldered pads circa new wave '84 with countless quarters back. We're all nice and rich, and perfectly complete thubjects...click/send...ahhh I love those naughtily Jets...that 4G cellfoam all cocked and ready to party mmm hmm. That being said(5/16" to the left...politically as ever...) it only makes sense that the counter-muse when understood as metaphorically internal could mean the presence of only one thing - the old horse of pathos rearing its horn-amented head deep inside you self - that frozen hot, horrible thing in you that fucks everything up in your life, makes you do crazy shit like our two charmingly contemporary protagonists above. The only way to deal with this little nasty internal bitch is to take her on in public...and brutally act her out...and for this purpose the WIERD will always been there for you week after week with the open, welcoming arms of a neverending FTP, Fuck The Planet - you already did yo its already gone c'est la VRie. And so is your Wan, dying body oops...click...ahhh.
Tonite's performance at WIERD will be an absolute celebration of the wild, internal, pathos-fueld battlefield of the physical body internal - of the wonderful powers inherent deep in the THROAT to be specific...yet this 21st century throat will have no voice to en-Counter as muse...but rather just present itself on stage as a smooth, long, wet and porous vessel of latenight pleasure ready to take you into the kingdom of its loins for 20 minutes of terrifyingly erotic, cold, analogue bliss...as WIERD welcomes the premiere of 'THE DESCENT' a live theatrical performance extravaganza featuring the VReturn of performance artist, adult film star and absolute master of enjoyment XXPLXT Angel, with a live musical score by our beloved young heroes and perhaps the last true hope for keeping the fantastically violent, visceral power of industrial music alive in America THROAT(Margaret Margaret Chardiet/Pharmakon + Ryan Woodhall/Yellow Tears)...this will be an evening unlike any other in WIERD history...better take a quick pic of yr dick and sext IT while its still there, as you dare to get VERY RARE...click ahhh nooo... :)))