I decided to take a break from my undeniably rivetting new book
The Crises of Abstraction in Canada:The 1950s that I scored inside an ultra chic, explosively vintage-90s 'If you see something say something' style VRappropriately duct-taped together bookbag at a rest stop in New Hampshire, and I walk into the room next door to find my Mom intensely absorbed in googling 'Leatherman'...my goodness doesn't get any more VR than this yes - Viva Materialism!!!...aka
Mother knows best...n'oh wait thats complicated - lets see: you're definitely packin downtown style if you're totin a Swiss army knife in yr pleasure-ready VRanglers...and Canada is
indeed part French as well, so...screw that. Uh, ok, ahhh. ...Either way as I was saying - 'Rivetting'!(ouch stop slow down...). You go girl! VR.