WIERD Welcomes Ramiro Jeancarlo from Staccato du Mal...
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
This week WIERD welcomes back the amazing analogue heretic from dark synth Miami Ramiro Jeancarlo from Staccato du Mal as well as our beloved master of the 'Resistant-Minimal' Swagger M.Martial Canterel. So come on in and let our cold as ice air conditioning be your 'Arctic Invention'!!!
Upcoming WIERD Records related Events: Sat. July 14th: Chamber NYC Presents Martial Canterel and Attrition Live at the Ukrainian National Home NYC http://www.chambernyc.com
Wed. August 1st Midnight: WIERD @ Home Sweet Home Presents a Live Solo Performance by Josh Strawn(Blacklist) at Midnight!!!
Thursday August 9th, 10pm-4am Projekt and WIERD Records Present Black Tape for a Blue Girl, Martial Canterel, and The Hunt with DJs Pieter and Glenn(Blacklist) from WIERD NYC: http://www.projekt.com/projekt/live.asp
And of course this weeks party: Wednesday July 11th, 10pm-4am Pieter, Staccato du Mal, and Martial Canterel Spin Coldwave, Dark Analogue Electronics WIERD @ Home Sweet Home 131 Chrystie St. @ Delancey Info:(212)226-5708 http://www.wierdrecords.com