The Hearing Impaired Maintain High-Def Images at WIERD...

September 5th, 2007

The WIERD sat silently in dark synth sadness because while looking out into the gray world beyond, IT realized another of ITs cells had just died, the second in 2 months, slowly IT was withering away, approaching the coldwave sell at a time. WIERD could of course take this as the very Rare beginning of the downward descent, one cell at a time we're all dying. But as always IT tried to Very Rarument ITs way out of the situation...

The 'thing' IT found problematic in this partickular case was the fact that, as the sad little 'optimistic' people who work in the store where IT buys ITs sells, 87 percent of all cells die because they become 'wet', and not in the jouissance-laden sense of the 'La Petite Mort' which is 'born' as woman 'becomes-ITself' - momentarily 'dying' in thee throes of radically life-affirming pleasure, but rather the wetness that 'kills' cells in nearly all cases comes from the perspiration of the 'real' body ITself which leaks through the trouser pockets into the cells inside, where the frozen cold pleasures of moisture take root and kill IT altogether, so close to where the 'petit mort' ITself occurs...yet so far away. The first notion implicit here would be that IT is slightly ironic that all cells are composed of 99 percent water, yet if water goes 'INto' them, and they become 'wet', they Very Rare this is indeed...IT is entirely made up of and is given life by water, but if IT is 'exposed to' water IT then dies - how could IT be??? The interesting thing is of course that since IT is all water, IT dies simply by being exposed to ITself - 'Hello M.Cell, meet your 'self' - of we're so sorry you had to die...Waiter, can we please use the foam? So sorry IT just died:))), my drunken boyfriend dropped it in his (foamy)beer, such a fool'...

The notion that IT dies when IT meets ITself could be an excellent topic for discussion except as the Very Rare ways of the WIERD have shown countless times before there is only one big IT up in the sky, and down in the gound...everywhere IT 'IS'. A more (albeit 'excessively') productive approach to this topic would be to realize the fact that there are many different brands of cells, and different brands' attritional effects create different results. For example IT has been shown that certain cells(Nokia, Motorola in particular) kill brain cells, and certain cells in the brain control specific things such as hearing and sight.

The contemporary abstract world has more and more ways of naming the categories of images and sounds cells must process and these names continue to become apocalyptically shorter and shorter - the 'resolution' of images is now 'res' and definitions of words are now 'def' - not to be heard by anyone..., perhaps because of the VR fact we could argue that the cells in the brain are dying more and more - as cells die in the 'hearing' region we in fact 'become def' - cells turning ITs 'bodies' into transparent Images walking down the street with cells in the ears all ablaze in coldwave glory, death is so unabashedly lovely!!!, and as IT tells us the more cells here die, the more the def level is 'named' as high-def(IT can hear nothing because so many cells have died) whereas with only a few dead IT is so very lucky and IT remails 'low-def', and thus though you have to speak a bit louder in talking to IT, the low-def can still hear what you're saying when you talk to IT.

And how many times have we all had this not-so-Very-Rare experience in talking to one who maintains a 'low-def' image, you speak to IT and IT pretends IT cannot hear you, and instead of answering your friendly enquiry looks down at the cells in ITs hands, the place where(as the WIERD 'showed' earlier this year) the (dying) 'brain' is now located in the body...IT opens the cell to look inside to find other 'Images' of an equal or greater(than your) 'deafness' to 'talk to', and who thus will never hear them...because they are slowly dying, hearing and seeing so little of the fragile quiet become Very the new Very Rare world of the WIERD...

Pieter and Glenn Listen in silence to the Cold Sounds of Low-Deaf Images
(Very Rare Deafear Retrospective at midnight!!!)
Wednesday September 5th, 10pm - 4am
WIERD @ Home Sweet Home
131 Chrystie St. @ Delancy, NYC