WIERD Presents the Debut of The Alterboys Live at Midnite!
Wednesday, July 2nd, 2008
On behalf of Wierd Records Pieter has asked me to kindly remind everyone that as this is the second and final week of Wimbeldon, the world's premier week of enviably elite sport, all Wierd Records Mailorder and email inquiries will be ignored untill the conclusion of the mens finals this Sunday afternoon. Please understand as lovely and charming as our little musical lives are, simply nothing can compare to the buttoned up, silent white restraint in the drama of center court...VR
Well it seems as was the case in the likes of the legendary 'Pleasures of Xanten' series of live performances back in the summer of 2004, another WIERD 'supergroup' frenzy is upon VRus as this week we welcome a new band of frozen cold eclesiastical all-stars The Alterboys for their debut performance in the foggy gray haze of midnite...aren't you dying to know whos in the band? And who gets to play nice with the priest backstage following the black mass?...we said don't do it before, but might finally be time to live in fear of the WIERD
Pieter and Glenn Spin Cold Waves for Young Boys...
Wednesday July 2nd, 10pm-4am
(Live Debut Performance of the Alterboys at Midnite!)
WIERD @ Home Sweet Home
131 Chrystie St @ Delancy