WIERD Presents a Very Rare Evening with CREATION MYTH!
Wednesday, December 30th, 2009
Happy New WIERD from Wierd Records, Brooklyn!
Well its been a wild WIERD whirlwind of a year and somehow this tiny, frail icicle of a ship is still afloat out there on the distant horizon a seafaring, and triumphantly all alone VeryRare-ing. As is always is the case at the end of every year there are too many people to thank for their ever gracious and generous help and support in keeping this 'thing' going....whatever IT is, its still WIERD as ever. Beyond the countless DJs, bands and lovely patrons in our eminently confusing, wonderfully frozen cold uncomfortable weekly pleasurefest of an establishment in 2009 extra VRecial thanks go out to Jasper and Mike for keeping myself and the weekly party goin week in and out, Frankie Teardrop for all things web and technologically related at the label, and as always the amazing Mary Cassidy, Naomi Ramirez, Jimi Patterson, and Jordan Levine for their neverending dedication to maintenance of the photo and video archives week after week...VR.
That being said tonite will be the last WIERD Party of 2009 as we welcome the debut one-time-only live performance of a true WIERD Party supergroup CREATION MYTH for a live performance at midnight! And its with absolute pleasure as tonite's performers include the long overdue return our long-time friend and SF/Bay area frozen cold killer queen TAMARYN to the WIERD stage who will be accompanied by Ms. Zohra Atash from Religious to Damn and Josh Strawn(Blacklist/Religious to Damn) on unVaguely Froide-centric guitars a glittering and shining black as all white hell!...Its bound to be another Gypsy New Wave Worldly, wind machine enthralling feast of early 70s meets late 80s psychedelic ritualistic industrial!!! See you all in the forzen cold cave of visceral joy, bring your sorceress robes and bells ladies, time to bid fare thee well for another Wierd year has darkly and splendidly dissappeared :)))
Pieter, Glenn, and Ryan Rayhill Spin the Foreboding of a Happy New WIERD 2009!
Wednesday December 30th, 2009 10pm-4am!
(Very Rare Live Performance by CREATION MYTH at Midnight!)
WIERD @ Home Sweet Home
131 Chrystie St. at Delancey, NYC