WIERD Presents the VReturn of Epee du Bois Tonite!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

This week WIERD proudly welcomes the return of a young man who certainly needs no introduction - our long-time master of the second dimensional discursivo-conceptuale plane M. EPEE DU BOIS to reak frozen cold havoc on the invisibly Very Rare 3D maximal electronic world, see everyone in the brisk misty morning, pleasure-drenched Misery!:

Okay so what happened last week ugh man here we go i need a fucking inturn, all this outward turning is givin me no time to turn-inward in at all lately oooh...VR:

Most importantly all I'm excited to say that Xeno & Oaklander and Led er Est have officially wrapped up the recording process for both of their long-awaited epic debut LPs at long last and both have entered the mixing stages in Bushwick and Berlin respectively as we speak,...so if all goes smoothly as never both should see a tentative release date in mid-late Oct.-early Nov.! Martial Canterel and Frank(justFrank) are close behind these releases as well so expect a lot of cold Wierdness to flood yr mind this fall. And speaking of which our l'Argent-encrusted Frenchie VRiends will be flyin over to the UK from Nice on Saturday night to play their first gig in London in months at the Shock Shock Party at the Brickhouse:

Brooklyn Vegan posted a nice wrap-up of the Agnes b./WIERD Records day of VRentertainment at PSI/MOMA a few weeks ago.
Pix and a video review and interview with X&O are up here
Click here for video and Xeno & Oaklander Interview!

The mysterious Paralisis crew just posted a few nice new very old school industrial-esque live videos from Xeno & Oaklanders performance at the Capsule Showcase at the Ludlow last week, no smoke and mirrors here kids - pure frozen cold concrete and flourescent blown out raw analogue electronics in the sweaty post-architectural void...for all you diehards Xenoheads heres a sneakpeak of one of the new trax from the long-awaited masterful debut LP...shhh :
Xeno & Oaklander Live 7.20.09:
'Saracen': http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tU6U_BSdsS4&feature=PlayList&p=406053C64476682B&index=2
'Nuit/Celeste': http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=seOI-atJuwE&feature=PlayList&p=406053C64476682B&index=0
'Blue Flower': http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eyg45qYt1H4&feature=PlayList&p=406053C64476682B&index=1

On just a few of the busy week's goings on over at the Blacklist Bunker:
My Secret Playlist: http://www.mysecretplaylist.com/2009/07/blacklist/
Other Music: http://www.othermusic.com/2009july30update.html
Starved Magazine: http://starvedmagazine.com/starved/?title=Blacklist

Thanks to everyone who came out for the Silk Flowers show last week and braved the brutally torential thunderstorms and icy hail-infused lightning that visited us all at midnight and caused the Hudson and East rivers to completely floodland the LES, when the guys took the stage it literally was impossible to even walk in the door unless you had a surfboard or the like, makin it forever VR for sure! For everyone who missed Avi, Peter, and Ethans killer set Frankie's wrap up and pix are up:
Words: http://blog.limewire.com/posts/23355-silk-flowers-at-home-sweet-home-nyc-72909/
Images: http://www.flickr.com/photos/wierd/sets/72157621767466093/show/

Pix are also up for both the recent Amazon Dart and Further Reductions gigs:
Amazon Dart Live 7.22.09: http://www.flickr.com/photos/wierd/sets/72157621808617781/show/
Further Redux Live at Cakeshop 7.18.09: http://www.flickr.com/photos/wierd/sets/72157621749721530/show/

Lastly I am quite excited MARTIAL CANTEREL has been added to what is undeniably one of the most intense festival line-ups EVER as 'Lascivious Aesthetics & Existence Establishment Present: The Northeast Power Electronics and Noise Festival II' in Boston in early November!!!...book yr tix now kiddies and remember yr chastity belts as this ones gonna be a pleasurefest of pure unbridled hedonism unlike any other! 28 bands including the likes of Consumer Electronics(Philip Best from Whitehouse + Mark Solotroff), Halflings, Pharmakon, Karlheinz, Bloodyminded, Anal Cunt, Strom.EC, Fire in the Head, Sharpwaist etc. etc....live through this is truly all one can say...:) More details, tix info on the Noise Board Thread just begun here:

Pieter and Samuel Kklovenhoof(Led er Est) Spin the WIERD World!
Wednesday August 5th, 10pm-4am
(VR Live performance by Epee du Bois at Midnite!)
WIERD @ Home Sweet Home
131 Chrystie St. at Delancey, NYC