WIERD's Just not that into You...

Tuesday, July 26th, 2005

There's simply no room for melancholy coldwave humor this week...very rare...and way uninterestingly WIERD...
OK, this weeks WIERD Coldwave Loveouts:


Sunday, July 24th, Southside Lounge, Pieter and Cheyney T spin Dark Synth!!!
Tonite WIERD bids farewell to the lovely Ania Siwanowicz as she
departs for her 6 month pleasure-seeking voyage to Coldwave
Berlin, Ania would love to kiss her very rare WIERD friends
goodbye, so come pay your coldest respects...

Sunday July 31st : 10pm - 4am
WIERD Live IV !!!
10PM  DIAKO DIAKOFF (Record release Party)
11PM  BLACKLIST (Glenn and 3:1:G of Ova Looven, ex-Antarctica)
12PM  ALEISTER (Full 4 piece band line-up!!!)
DJ Majik P-Ness spins COLDWAVE!!!
WIERD LIVE IV @ SCENIC (Ave. B btwn. 2nd/3rd Sts, East Village)

Tuesday July 26th 11pm -4am
Pieter and 3:1:G spin Coldwave
WIERD @ Southside Lounge
(happy hour midnight - 1am!!!)
41 Broadway (Wythe/Kent), Wmsbrg, BKNY
J train to Marcy, L to Bedfd
info: (718)387-3182