WIERD presents thee Jewel-eyed Coldwave Pleasurefest...
Tuesday July 4th, 2006
Yes dahlings we're on tonite and rarer than ever, and please leave yr not so very rare hotdogs at home for as has oft been denoted in thee tabloids we're already the hottest coldwave sausage-fest in town! And yes Im quite aware from yr emails you miss the words of the WIERD of late, but with all the gleaming starched white pleasures of Wimbledon and the terrifyingly overwhelming hype surrounding recently launched WIERD Records, there's simply no time for 'abstraction', but rest assured I'll be back next week with my very rare discourse on thee ontological repostulation of how sexual orientation has simultaneously unbalanced gender roles and 'streamlined' accesory design in European sportscars, ahhh...WIERD...
Pieter and Glenn spin coldwave for the most vulgar holy-daze of all!!! Tuesday, July 4th 2006 11pm-4am WIERD @ Southside Lounge (happy hour and free drinks for Frenchwave vegetarian she-males with a dark synth lisp..ohhhh) 41 Broadway(Wythe/Kent), Wmsbrg, BKNY J train to Marcy, L to Bedfd Info:(718)387-3182